Web Site Promotions - Follow me as I prove that it is possible to get a top ten search engines rankings in google in 30 days or less....using only free methods.
As I stated in my last update..My goal was to get is to reach the top 100 for the phrase web site promotions in seven days or less. If you consider that there are 41,200,000 competing web pages for the search term "web site promotions"..This should be a hard goal to reach.
Here is my status so far.
Competing web pages = 41,200,000
Get indexed by google in 24 hours or less.
Top 100 search engines ranking in 7 days or less.
Top ten search engines ranking in 30 days or less.
Web site promotions update #3 for "Project Top Ten Search Engines Rankings". It's been less than 24 houurs and my web page has been indexed by google. Actually, it took look less than 4 hours for google to index my webpage. My next task is to get my site listed in the top 100 for the term web site promotions my goal is to do this in 7 days or less using my free off page seo secrets to get free high pr backlinks to my project page. "web site promotions"
Web site promotions update #2 for "Project Top Ten Search Engine Rankings". Now that I have decided to target my top ten search engine rankings project on the keyword phrase "web site promotions". My next task is to create a seo friendly web page to get list in the top ten in the google search engine. The web page that I have created is locted at the following link.
My first task is to decide which keyword phrase I will target. The keyword that I have decided to target is "Web site promotions". There are 26,600,000 competing web pages in google for this keyword. As you can see.. getting a top ten search engines ranking for this keyword will be challenging.